I'm back with a Homemade Bread Integral - I'm back with a Wholemeal Bread Quiche Lorraine
I know, has spent just over a month since my last blog entry has been a long exile, mostly because I missed this beautiful community of food bloggers!
last month was a month "Full", with trips for work, the work itself, the holiday year, holiday shopping and auction for more during the month of December, we are flooded house three times, yes! Not once but 3 times !!!!!
The first time, thanks to the mercy of God, but unfortunately for my hubby, I found myself at home because I was traveling, did not explain what else he found my husband at home, everything went down the toilet, since we are in the first floor of a department, ours was the most damaged ... (BTW for the future never again a first floor!) The company that deals with cleaning the pipes had to come 3 times until finally (at least so far everything goes quiet) could find and solve the problem. One of our neighbors, doing remodeling work in her bathroom finished plaster and debris hurling stones discharge tubes, uhh yeah! I asked for his execution! I tell them not to despair when the water is not to go out and do not know what to do ... my poor hubby three times, had to go and knock on doors of neighbors to ask them not to download from the bathroom, and unfortunately during odd hours APPROPRIATE ... In Finally, the Odyssey is over for now and hopefully forever. The result? Water-damaged furniture, deep disinfection of the house and we know all the neighbors ...
And now ... New Year and new recipes not?? Ready and willing to continue this wonderful adventure with you!
Here I bring this delicious recipe, a pan almost full because it uses two types of flour, but delicious, crispy on the edges and delicate in its substance. With a little jam or just butter is delicious for breakfast or snack.
Here is the recipe and I'll catch up with your blogs instantly!
Thanks to all who continued to visit and wish you a successful 2011! and that the community of bloggers keeps growing!
Water - 225 ml warm
Honey - 1 ½ tsp fresh yeast
- 20gr
white bread flour - wholemeal
300 gr - 150 gr
Butter - 50 g cold diced Salt
- 1 teaspoon
In a small bowl mix the water with honey and yeast. Let stand for 5 minutes.
In a large enough flour mixed with butter and salt. You add yeast mixture. There should be neither too wet nor dry.
Knead the mixture on a floured surface at least for 10 minutes or it can also make the dough hook.
Put the dough in an oiled bowl and cover with kitchen transparent paper (or plastic bag) for 3 hours. When will double its volume, mass sink with fist and knead on a floured surface for 1 minute. Oval shape and flatten the dough by hand.
Transfer the dough to a floured tray a bit with a sharp knife make 4 cuts on the surface. Sprinkle a little flour on dough and cover with a cloth. Let stand for about 45 minutes in a warm place.
Meanwhile preheat the oven to 200 º C. Bake the bread for 30 minutes.
Buon Appetito!
I know, it’s been over a month since my last blog entry…it’s been a long exile, especially since I missed this beautiful community of food bloggers!
Last month was a month "Full", with trips for work, the work itself, the holidays, holiday shopping and last but worst, during the month of December, our house flooded three times, yes! Not once but 3 times !!!!! The first time, thanks to the mercy of God, but unfortunately for my hubby, I wasn’t at home because I was traveling, I just don’t have words to explain what my husband found at home, everything came out from the toilet, since we live in the first floor, our flat was the most damaged ... the company that deals with cleaning of the pipes came 3 times before (at least so far everything goes quiet) they could find and resolve the problem. One of our neighbors, doing remodeling work in his bathroom finished throwing stones and remains of gypsum in the discharge tubes, uhh yeah! I asked his death! It was a complete desperation…the water was coming out and out and we weren’t able to stop it ... my poor hubby three times, had to go and knock on doors of neighbors to ask them not to use the toilets, and unfortunately during odd hours ... Anyway, the Odyssey is over for now and hopefully forever. The result? Furniture damaged, deep disinfection of the house and we got to meet all the neighbors ...
And now ... New Year and new recipes! I’m ready and willing to continue this wonderful adventure with all of you!
I'm bringing this delicious recipe, a wholemeal bread because that uses two types of flour, but delicious, crispy on the edges and delicate in the inside. With a bit of jam or butter it will make a great snack or breakfast.
Here is the recipe and I'll catch up with your blogs instantly!
Water - 225 ml warm
Honey - 1 ½ tablespoon
Fresh yeast - 20g
Strong White bread flour - 300 g
Wholemeal flour - 150 g
Butter - 50 g cold diced
Salt - 1 teaspoon
In a small bowl mix the water with honey and yeast. Let stand for 5 minutes.
In a large bowl mix the flour with butter and salt. Pour the yeast mixture. It should not come too wet or too dry.
Knead the mixture on a floured surface for at least 10 minutes or you can also make the dough with the mixer.
Place dough in oiled bowl and cover with cling film (or plastic bag) for 3 hours. When will double in size, knock it back by punching it down with your fist and then knead it on a floured surface for 1 minute. Give it and oval shape and flatten the dough by hand.
Transfer the dough to a floured tray and with a sharp knife make 4 cuts on the surface. Sprinkle a little flour on dough and cover with a tea towel. Let stand for about 45 minutes in a warm place.
Meanwhile preheat the oven to 200 º C. Bake the bread for 30 minutes.
Buon Appetito!
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