Monday, February 14, 2011

How To Get Fair Skinhome Made

la vie en rose

Outfit comfortable and warm for a day colder than the previous. My new boyfriend's jeans combined with my new pink gum tissue.

A outfit un po più comodo e Caldin jornata per a previous che più fredda. Ho aabbinato i miei nuovi boyfriend's jeans con la mia nuova Sciarpa rosa "bubble gum"

One outfit very comfortable and warmer into an even colder day in Paris. I use the new boyfriend's jeans and my new pink scarf.

An outfit more comfortable and hot for a cold day. I'd mixed my new boyfriend's jeans with My new pink scarf.

Pants / Pantaloni / Jeans / Pants: Stradivarius (au / winter 10-11)
T / Maglietta / t-shirt: Mango (au / winter 08-09)
Jersey / Maglione / Sweater: Primark (au / winter 10-11)
Scarf / Sciarpa / Scarf / Scarf: Primark (au / winter 10-11)
Boots / Stivallli / Bott / Boots : Coolway (au / winter 09-10)



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