Friday, October 8, 2010

Hon Could Be Played In Geforce 5200

"Mezze penne" with Tomatitos zapallitos Italianos y (Mezze penne with cherry tomatoes and zucchini)

Finally Friday! These days have been very tiring, between work, travel, home, family, etc. So to celebrate the start of the weekend and replace the batteries properly what better than a good plate of pasta! Just get my hubby uncovered a good bottle of wine and welcome the weekend! This recipe
contributed to Cookbook Challenge, the theme of the week 47 "Italian" - With which I am still catching up.

Here is the recipe I got from Sale & Pepe magazine and which I made some small modifications.

Ingredients: Pasta
cut - 320 gr (I used mezze penne)
zucchini - 2
cherry tomatoes - 300 gr grated Parmesan
- 50 gr breadcrumbs
- 50 gr
Oregano - 1 teaspoon Garlic
- 1
tooth olive oil or red pepper
merkén -
Salt to taste - a taste

Preparation: Wash and cut
zucchini and fry them in a grid. Wash and cut the tomatoes and place in a pasta colander with salt for 30 minutes. Then mix with the zucchini.
In a cup bread crumbs mixed with grated cheese and oregano. Meanwhile
we boil a pot with salt water where coceremos pasta. Continue cooking the pasta al dente.
Meanwhile in a small saucepan, put 4 tablespoons of oil with 1 clove of garlic and spicy or merkén. Sauté garlic until golden. Then take it out of oil.
When the pasta is ready, the snuck and counties with oil and spice mixture and zucchini and tomatoes. Add 2 / 3 of the grated cheese mixture with bread crumbs.
Grease a baking dish and distribute a spoonful of the mixture of bread crumbs. Distribute the pasta and put on the surface of another 3 tablespoons oil and sprinkle with the remaining mixture of bread crumbs and grated cheese.
Bake at 200 º for 15 minutes. Then increase the temperature to 220 º and casseroles pasta for 5 minutes.
Buon Appetito!

Inglés Version ---- ---

Finally Friday has arrived! These days very tiring Have Been, Between work, travel, home, family, etc. So to celebrate the start of the weekend and to charge batteries Better Than Properly What do it with a good dish of pasta! As soon as my hubby gets home we will uncork a good bottle of wine and ... welcome weekend! With
this recipe I give my contribution to the Cookbook Challenge , the theme of the week N. 47 is "Italian" - I am still catching up…

Here is the recipe I got from Sale & Pepe magazine and to which I made some subtle modifications.

Short Pasta - 320 g (I used “mezze penne”)
Zucchini - 2
Cherry tomatoes - 300 g
Grated parmesan - 50 g
Bread crumbs - 50 g
Oregano - 1 teaspoon
Garlic - 1 clove
Olive oil
Powder Chili or merkén - to taste
Salt - to taste

Wash and cut zucchini and grill them in a grill pan. Wash and chop the tomatoes and put them in a pasta colander with salt for 30 minutes. Then mix with the zucchini.
In a small bowl, mix the bread crumbs with the grated parmesan and the oregano.
Meanwhile bring to boil a pot with salty water where we will cook the pasta. Cook the pasta al dente.
Meanwhile in a small saucepan, put 4 tablespoons of oil with 1 clove of garlic and the chili or merkén. Sauté garlic until golden. Then remove it from the oil.
When the pasta is ready, strain it and season it with the oil and chili, then add the zucchini and tomatoes. Add 2 / 3 of the grated cheese mixture with bread crumbs and mix.
Grease a baking dish and spread a spoon of the mixture of bread crumbs. Distribute the pasta on it and add on top another 3 tablespoons of oil and sprinkle it with the mixture of bread crumbs Remaining and grated cheese.
Bake at 200 º for 15 minutes. Then Increase the temperature to 220 º and gratin pasta for 5 minutes.
Buon Appetito!


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